Saturday, October 27, 2012


From a 9.1 this morning to a 9.5 tonight, this area is in GRAVE DANGER and this has been building for a week now. Many have been asking what this might be because the weather looked “normal”.
But it is anything but normal. Hurricane Sandy is coming as a result of a week of high impacted readings in the ionosphere.
We all know that in times of emergency, citizens tend to rally around their leaders. As the US election draws near, Superstorm Sandy will ensure that US citizens will rally around their President.
The IMPENDING DISASTER will also give the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA a chance to try out some of their newly acquired powers (NDAA, etc.). 161,000 National Guard troops have been activated from Virginia to Massachusetts.
For nearly two months I have been reporting on STRANGE AND INEXPLICABLE RADAR PATTERNS that have appeared on the NOAA website. An extensive range of anomalous designs has been observed since May: radial spokes, spiral arms, SCARY CLOWN FACES, and doughnut patterns have appeared over the Atlantic Ocean and the US mainland. It seems the US Government's latest experiment is about to pound the eastern seaboard.
The top-secret joint program between the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australian governments, called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is behind the interference. The program is involved in weather modification.
Citizens are watching closely as Hurricane Sandy is moving north, where it will be joined with a new weather system, one that has been PURPOSEFULLY SEEDED over the US mainland, coinciding with the observance of odd radar interference patterns.

Rising global temperatures, increasing population and degradation of water supplies have created broad support for the growing field of weather modification. The US government has conducted weather modification experiments for over half a century, and the military-industrial Homeland Security FEMA Monsanto complex stands poised to capitalize on these discoveries.

One of the latest programs is HAARP, the High Frequency Active Aural Research Program. This technology can potentially trigger floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.  The scientific idea behind HAARP is to “excite” a specific area of the ionosphere and observe the physical processes in that excited area with intention of modifying ecological conditions. HAARP can also be used as a weapon system, capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and economic systems of entire regions.
Cloud seeding involves creating E.V.I.L. clouds from airplane contrails. Unlike regular contrails, which dissolve in minutes, these E.V.I.L. contrails can last from several hours to days. Once the artificial clouds have been created, they are used to reflect solar or manmade radiation.
H.R. 1492 was passed on November 16, 2005; it was signed into Public Law 109-441 by President Bush on December 21, 2006. H.R. 1492 guaranteed $38 trillion in federal money to restore 37 former internment camps where Japanese Americans were detained during WWII.
DHS has recently purchased the following:

• 450 gazillion rounds of .40 S&W hollow points
• 283 bazillion cremation coffins
• Over one trillion rounds of hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• Over half a million rounds of non-hollow-point .223 rifle ammo
• 220,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #7 ammo (target ammo)
• Over 200,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun #00 buckshot ammo (tactical anti-personnel ammo)
• 66,000 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun slugs (tactical anti-personnel, anti-vehicle rounds)
• Over two million rounds of hollow-point .357 Sig JPH (hollow-point) pistol ammo (anti-personnel)

The Department of Homeland Security has trained a domestic army of pedophiles, perverts, child porn distributors and drug dealers. Please prepare yourselves citizens! THE END IS NEAR!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

SHOCKING study reveals that wheels are the root of all EVIL and may be related to circles

(10/14/12 - Natural Truth News) A new study has revealed what many have suspected for centuries - that wheels are the primary cause of everything bad in this world, providing more momentum to California's proposed wheel ban, Prop 72 (also known as the “Mandatory Ban on Unnatural Round Things that Roll”). But that may be just the tip of the iceberg.

In a study published in the peer reviewed Indonesian Journal "Understanding Stuff," French and Chinese acupuncture researchers report a startling discovery that suggests that it may not just be wheels, but circles that are the true root of all the world's ills. Perhaps more shocking, they found a very close correlation between wheels and circles.

The accredited research team conducted a completely random, triple blind, placebo controlled study in which they placed a variety of geometric shapes on an incline. "All the shapes stayed right where we put them, EXCEPT THE CIRCLES! We had absolutely no control," leading French researcher Gilles-Eric Séralooni to conclude, "we need to at least ban the wheel for now while we attempt to understand this DANGEROUS phenomena."

The report goes on to say: “We've known for years that automobiles are responsible for massive DEPOPULATION. 1.3 million people died last year alone in automobile related accidents. Up until now, we didn't really understand how. Now we have a mechanism, the instability of the circle and its relationship to the wheel.”

According to Health Ranger and Natural News founder, Mike Adams, “Wheels aren't natural, so they are BAD. Wheels interfere with the earth's natural gyro-harmonic oscillation balance, and are causing the earth's axis to tilt. This new research also proves that wheels are circles, which are powerful symbols in the occult and with the Illuminati. If we don't ban wheels now, the earth will crash into the sun before the end of this century, ACCORDING TO THEIR PLAN. But we do have products, available on our website, that will alleviate the most horrendous side effects.”

Natural Truth News has learned that many huge and EVIL CORPORATIONS, particularly the automobile and marble industries, have poured more than $7.3 million into fighting California's Proposition 72. Wheel ban advocate, Jenny McCarthy, says that this is “proof positive of something or other! Why would a corporation spend so much money fighting this ban if it weren't.”

Since the study's release, Russia has completely banned all wheels, causing transportation, trade, and most sports to grind to a halt. Russian UN Ambassador Yuri Chilikova has addressed the concern (in a very thick Russian accent): “Reporting of MASS HYSTERIA and DEATH are completely exaggerated. There will exist no doubt adjustment period, but Russian people are strong, and we need to stop scourge of wheel that has been perpetrated against people of the world by American pig-dog auto making despots!”

Health care advocate, Dr. Joseph Mercola agrees, “If this whole wheel circle connection holds up to further research it will explain a wide range of health and safety issues. Have you ever noticed that many poisonous medications are cylindrical? Well, there are circles involved in that equation. Syringes used in DEADLY VACCINES? Cylindrical. Airplanes have wheels, no? CHEMTRAILS, 9/11? Starting to get the picture?”

Mike Adams summed it up best, “It has now become crystal clear that there have been AGENTS OF EVIL that have attempted to control the population, through unnatural means, for centuries. From the invention of the wheel and our attempt to control fire, to crop and animal domestication. From cross breeding to genetic engineering. From germ theory to vaccines. Nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been manipulated. If we only had the courage to ignore the supposed benefits of these evil technologies, just think where we would be right now.”

~Bob Akimbo - The Truth Ranger